(Hoax) Leo A. Frank Bigfoot Photo

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Original bigfoot Picture

This is the Leo A. Frank Bigfoot photo, there is some circumstances around it that makes for a lot more questions that Leo won't answer, and he has since dropped out of the Bigfoot Community for a while after many researchers suspected that the photo may not be legit. We've taken all the available pictures that we can find online of it and placed them here for you to make your own decision. We also quote The CryptoCrew website on some of the information.

A little information about Leo. Leo has been researching for 20 years or more. I have seen many of his recent discoveries and they mirror many of my own findings, even though we are hundreds of miles apart. He has had a few sightings over this long research period. This last sighting resulted in the picture we are going to discuss today.

How this all came about. Leo, was contacted roughly 3 years ago to investigate some private property. The property owner had some unwanted activity around the home. Activity such as banging on the house, knocking over the wood pile, unknown vocals and tracks. After finding tracks himself, along with various tree formations, Leo started to spend more and more time in the area. Over that 3 year period he started doing some food gifting. He continued to discover tracks and stick formations. His track discoveries led him to believe there was only one bigfoot in the area and not a group.

Sometimes, Leo would pull overnight trips into the area. It was during one of these trips that he had a very nice vocal, but unfortunately was unable to record it. So, we fast forward to the weekend of October 7th. Leo returns to the property in the evening to leave some apples in the gifting area. He returns at roughly 3am the next morning on the 8th of October. Everything seemed quite, so Leo does a couple laps around the property to check things out. He ends up back at the gifting area. There is an odd feeling in the air. Leo starts to scan around the area. Then he scans to the large root ball of the fallen tree and that is when he sees the face looking over the root ball.

He stated the thought going through his mind was "Take a f@$%^ing picture!". So he did.

Leo got out his cell phone as fast as he could and started taking pictures. The creature didn't move at first but then lowered it's head behind the root ball and started to walk off. He attempted to get some pictures of it walking away but they just turned out blurry due to the creature moving and himself moving.

Now, I will share the original picture and some enhancements of it. Then Leo will answer some common questions.

Original bigfoot Picture

The original picture above shows a bigfoot looking between a "V" shaped pattern on a root ball. The subject, according to Leo, is 7 foot tall. It would be easy to get a good estimate of the height based on the size of this root ball. Leo would know the approximate height of it, as he has spend many hours here. So, I would think his estimate of 7 foot tall is accurate.

One thing that immediately stands out is the size of the nose of the creature. I stated it was very much like the trolls you see in the movies. We must keep in mind that trolls fit the description of bigfoot and the term bigfoot came along much later than the word troll.

In some of the following enhancements you will get a better look at this large honker and the hair.

Bigfoot Face Zoom

Here is a zoom on the head of this creature. As you can see it has a very large round nose, which is probably not typical in many reports. It also appears there is some greying of the hair on the head and chin, but this could be a lighting issue. It also appears, at least to me, that the chin hair is hanging over part of the root ball but again it is hard to say for sure.

What I did on this is zoomed it in, adjusted the color slightly and used some sharpening filters.

Bigfoot face enhanced

In this enhancement, I think you may be able to see the face a little better. You can see the big nose and hair much better. It seems you can slightly see the mouth a little as well. It mouth appears to be turned downward on the corners. The hair appears dark and messy.

For this enhancement, I just played around with the lighting and contrast.

Bigfoot head Picture

In this last enhancement I have cropped and drew lines to show the root ball and creature.

Leo said this about it "this was the 6th Sasquatch that I have seen and not one of them looked the same..." He went on to say "I don't know why this one looks so unusual as far as that huge nose of his and the sour look..."

Question: Does Leo have more pictures and are they going to be released?

Yes, he does have several more pictures, I alluded to this in the above post. Leo has not decided when or if he will release the other pictures yet.

Question: Is Leo going back to the area soon?

No. Leo has some health issues and had this to say. "...coming home full of adrenaline, soaked from head to toe in sweat, cut up, beat up, and eaten up are not exactly good for me. So as for right now I am on at least a long break from it (Field research)."

Question: Were you scared?

Leo had this to say "Yes I was scared, I have been every time I have had a sighting over the last 20 years, some will tell you "you should have done this" or" why didn't you do that "and that's all well and good until you have one looking right at you. Fear is a big part of field work whether people want to admit it or not."

After photo of the are where the figure was standing. A special thanks to Leo A Frank for releasing the photo.

After photo of the are where the figure was standing. A special thanks to Leo A Frank for releasing the photo.

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