Squatchopedia 2.0:About
From Squatchopedia 2.0
The Squatchopedia 2.0 is live, learn all you can about Bigfoot history, community and more here.
About Squatchopedia 2.0
Quite a few years ago, Brian Brown of the Bigfoot Forums created the original Squatchopedia before transferring it over to the AIBR, who subsequently shut it down and lost the domain name. The Bigfoot Field Guide and the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center has put together Squatchopedia 2.0 as an upgraded replacement, in which we will be placing more information than was on the original Squatchopedia, to include but not limited to, hoaxes, who's who, historical items and so much more.
If you need to contact someone about this site, please email admin@squatchopedia.org