(Hoax) Old hunting "bigfoot" photo

From Squatchopedia 2.0
Revision as of 19:10, 6 April 2022 by Darkwing (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This picture has long been considered nothing more than a known animal that had been shot. It has perpetrated a life of it's own through Social Media as being a dead Bigfoot,...")
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This picture has long been considered nothing more than a known animal that had been shot. It has perpetrated a life of it's own through Social Media as being a dead Bigfoot, and despite the old-timers in the Bigfoot Community repeating over and over again that it's not a dead Bigfoot, all the numerous newcomers to the community still continue to propagate it as a dead Bigfoot.



Credit to art_ of_ tannerstreeter on Instagram. Check him out , he does some great wildlife art.

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