(Historic) Jim McClarin
Jim McClarin began his bigfoot investigations in 1963 and served as a member of early expeditions from northern California to Alaska.
McClarin is famous for carving the first bigfoot statue (located at the corner of Hwy's 96 & 299 at Willow Creek). He corresponded with Ivan T. Sanderson, Roger Patterson, John Green, and Rene Dahinden. He recounted some of his memories in 2003 as part of a panel discussion during the International Bigfoot Symposium held in Willow Creek, CA.
For McClarin, the "fluidity of movement of the muscles, as well as the light reflecting off the hair" convinced him of the authenticity of the P/G footage. He and two others went to Bluff Creek to view the film site shortly after the film was shot and he was able to see tracks (in poor condition). A comparison movie of McClarin was shot walking along the trackway of "Patty."
Jim now spends his time in South America studying insects, and from time to time will interact with other Bigfoot researchers.