(Group) AIBR

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The Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers, or AIBR, is a non-profit organization of individuals dedicated to the research and conservation of the species of animal known to Native Americans for centuries by many names, but today called "Sasquatch", or "Bigfoot." The AIBR seeks to not only provide the public with the best scientific information available on this species, but to also assist fellow researchers with tools, protocols, and access to peers and scientists for help and advice.

To keep the organization ethical, professional, and scientific, the AIBR also has a Board of Advisors. The purpose of the Board of Advisors is to consider and provide feedback on any questions, concerns, policies, goals, and objectives that are part of the operational or developmental process of the Board of Directors. The Board of Advisors is first and foremost a system of peer review. This guarantees to the public, other similar organizations, and members that the policies and procedures of the organization are the best that can be offered at the present time, and that those policies and procedures are always under review and subject to on-going modification when necessary.