(Historic) Michael Trachtengerts

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Michael Trachtengerts
Trachtengerts was the main researcher behind a new look at the foot of the Russian ksy-gyik, in his ”On a foot type of a Himalayan hominoid,” Natural and Technical Sciences, 2004, Iss.2, p.143-145.
Canadian John Bindernagel and Russian Michael Trachtengerts, in Siberia, 2011.
Michael Trachtengerts on Bigfoot Files, filmed in 2011.
Michael Trachtengerts

From Loren Coleman

Dmitri Bayanov announces the death of Michael Trachtengerts, 79, on February 21, 2017:

We, Russian hominologists, announce with great sorrow the death of our dear friend and co-worker Dr. Michael Trachtengerts. He died on February 21, at 4 o’clock a.m. Moscow time, from heart failure (anemia) at the age of 79.

He is the author of the site Alamas and two books in Russian – The Basic of Hominology, 2015, 2016.

Michael was also an active field researcher and a leading member of our Hominology Seminar at the Darwin Museum.

I was born in 1937. In 1961 I graduated from Moscow power institute as engineer in power plants. Later I had work to develop some equipment for power devices, taught physics in an institute, had postgraduate education and in 1968 got Ph.D. in thermodynamics. Now I have a position as a leading researcher in an institute in the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the same time I have steady interest in nature. I remember fishing from childhood and hunting from the age, when I could apply for a rifle license. I loved long, for a month or longer, travels which now called as extreme in inhabited taiga areas, usually by kayaks. Nature photographing is my favorite vocation.

In 70-th I had got acquainted with a problem of “intermediate link” in human origin. Then I came to the conclusion that some kinds of these “intermediate links” could be kept in the remote areas till now under favorable conditions. The close acquaintance with J.-M. Koffmann, D.Yu.Bayanov and other researchers, who were the followers of B.F.Porshnev, has strengthened this opinion. Short film by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin showed me that materials for scientific study of these creatures also appeared. I became an active member of the Russian society of cryptozoologists and was elected as vice-chairman.

I was participant and chief in expeditions to some areas were presence of relic hominoids was assumed. I put to public attention to such indisputable facts of hominoid existence as alive essence that was caught in the Saratov region, group supervision of adult hominoid with his child in vicinity of Kargopol in Arkhangelsk region, hominoid figure sketch from Kostroma area, and also developing of computer database about hominoids on the USSR territory. But the main success for me in this field is the reconstruction of an unknown primate that lives in Himalayas. It was made on the basis of photo snapshots received by A.Tishkov in 1991.

I am the convinced supporter of inviolent methods in hominoid research.

The list of the basic travels by M.Trachtengerts

  • 1956 – Teberda -. Sukhumi, Western Caucasus, mountain
  • 1961 – The Blue gulf, Karadag, Crimea, walking
  • 1962 – river Dnestr, kayak
  • 1964 – lake Lovozero, river Kurga, Kola peninsula, kayak
  • 1965 – river Podcherem – river Schugor, Northen. Ural, kayak
  • 1968 – settle Shuryshkary – river Voikar, Siberia near river Ob, kayak
  • 1969 – settle Chupa – settle Purnema, White sea, by East coast of Karelia, kayak
  • 1970 – river Khamsara – river Yenisei, Tuva province, kayak
  • 1971 – river Uscha – river Drissa (Pskov province, Byelorussia), kayak
  • 1972 – east coast of the Onega gulf of the White sea, kayak
  • 1973 – river Ob – river Kazym – river Lykhn, West Siberia, motor boat
  • 1974 – river West Dvina – Daugava, kayak
  • 1975 – Blue lakes – river Mologa, Tver province, spring, kayak
  • 1976 – river Ob – river Kazym, West Siberia, motor boat
  • 1977 – Blue lakes, Tver province, spring, kayak
  • 1978 – river Akhtuba, Astrakhan province, kayak
  • 1978 – saving expedition in West Siberia (for V.Pushkarev), late autumn
  • 1979 – river Vetluga, Kostroma province, spring, kayak
  • 1979 – Kirghiz mountains, area of town Merke, walking
  • 1980 – river Chysovaya, Ural, walking
  • 1981 – Gissar moutains, river Karatag, settle Khakimy, Tajikistan, walking
  • 1982 – lake Kleban byk, Donbass, Ukraine, walking
  • 1983 – Gissar mountains, river Siama, Tajikistan, walking
  • 1984 – river Velikaya, Pskov province, kayak
  • 1985 – lake Velje, Tver province, spring, kayak
  • 1985 – river Ob, cape Kazym, walking
  • 1986 – West slopes of Elbrus, Sarmakovo (J.-M.Koffmann), Caucasus mountains
  • 1988 – Kola peninsula, March, snowmobiles, ski
  • 1988 – river Ai, Ural, kayak
  • 1988 – settle Sarmakovo, valley of river Malka, Caucasus mountains
  • 1989 – Saratov province, on traces of hominoid cautch, walking
  • 1990 – Saratov province, walking
  • 1990 – lake Lovozero, Kola peninsula, kayak
  • 1991 – settle Kandalaksha – settle Chupa, by coast of White sea, kayak
  • 1992 – town Kargopol, Arkhangelsk province, hominoid encounting
  • 1994 – river Akhtuba, Astrakhan province, kayak
  • 2000 – lake Baskunchak, Astrakhan province, walking

Igor Burtsev has added this, in part:

Comrade We lost in the struggle for trogdoditov…

21.02.2017 at night after a brief illness died Michael Neiman Trakhtengerts, 25.05.1937 g. Birth., kand.

Rest in peace, dear comrade! You eternal memory!

The funeral will be held on 25 February.