(Hoax) The Miller Document

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No one has worked harder at exposing Linda Newton-Perry and her website Bigfootballyhoo (No longer active) than Steve "Squatchdetective" Kulls and most of the information shown here is from his Hall of Shame on his website and I strongly recommend visiting his website Squatchdetective

Here is what Steve's investigations uncovered.

"The Miller Document"

Miller Document Hoax

Yes folks, there seems to be some buzz about the so called “Miller Document.” This document alleges that H.A. Miller had some sort of experience in examining Sasquatch bodies both in Texas and California.

First lets consider the source of the “document.” It comes from the Bigfoot Ballyhoo blog. Yep Linda Newton Perry and yet another female “informant” with no last name and a bunch of made up internet bloggers which give their “comments” saying how dear Sophia is telling the truth.

Again all of these are backed or reported by usually woman giving only their first names, and never once has a video or voice recording of any of these folks been made. So far this is what we have found out…and believe me we are paying attention to her again.

  • The photo used is genuine.
  • H.A. Miller MD, Ph.D existed. But the one suggested graduated Forestry and Med School long before 1930.
  • H.A. Miller did not graduate Harvard Medical School.

Photo showing a graduation pic of an H.A. Miller.

Photo showing a graduation pic of an H.A. Miller.

We know this because the alumni association commemorates every passed on member. There were two deceased Millers which graduated Harvard Medical School that passed on, but none went by the name H.A.

HA Miller the MD existed long before the HA Miller the Forester.

HA Miller the MD existed long before the HA Miller the Forester.

The only Millers that graduated between 1940 and 1949 are the ones listed above

The only Millers that graduated between 1940 and 1949 are the ones listed above

​None of which fit. What it appears that information between the two has been confused. The Miller that existed in the early 1900’s was a MD (who obtained his MD in Pennsylvania) with a Phd, however it appears that the one in the picture was just an M.A. in Forestry. Remember that it’s because of the MD that all this Bigfoot involvement took place. Another interesting note is in the narrative itself.

First we hear his graduation dates regarding forestry very specific;

“I completed an additional year in Forestry science and graduated in 1930 with an A.B. from Yale University and an M.F. in 1931 (M.F. is a Master of Science in Forestry).”

The Miller Document

However when it comes to the Medical Degree, it is non-specific. A sign an interrogator looks for in an untruth.

“Graduating from Harvard medical school (Harvard) in the early 1940s…”

The Miller Document

Given the information from the Alumni Association Memoriams, there are cracks just in the first few hours of looking at this document. This is nothing new to the information consistently placed on Bigfoot Ballyhoo. ​

The following are videos that Steve Kulls did concerning The Miller Document