(Hoaxer) Kelly Shaw

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Kelly Shaw

Wow, where to start? Kelly Shaw has become a permanent thorn in the side of many legitimate Bigfoot Researchers, his antics have presented plenty of fodder to show what kind of person he really is.

Let's start first with plagiarism, in which Kelly Shaw attempted to claim a photo of his, when trying to attack the Bluff Creek Project over the Humboldt Marten. He did this by using someone else's photo of a marten and claiming he took it. Thanks to Ramblings of a Schizophrenic Brit for the screen captures.

Below: His false claim

His false claim

Below: The EXIF information related to the photo he claimed was his.

The EXIF information of the picture he claimed was his.

The Jay Ryser Photography site is no longer active, he closed it down after all the uproar caused by Kelly Shaw on stealing his photo.

Now we go to the Idaho Bigfoot Drone Footage. Courtesy of The Crypto Blast and others.

The following video was posted in 2016, it caused a small amount of excitement in the Bigfoot community and Kelly Shaw and his group Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization supposedly showed up and found all kinds of evidence from hair samples to footprints.

Here is a breakdown someone did of it.

Kelly's own words about the evidence

For several days, Kelly Shaw was trying to project himself and his group as the best researchers out there, until Dr. Meldrum announced it was all a hoax and this video surfaced.

And a breakdown over the event.

Kelly Shaw pretty much destroyed his bigfoot career/reputation/integrity/whatever by claiming the Idaho bigfoot drone hoax to be real.

"He is known to spend more time attacking others on the Internet, claiming to be a real researcher and slandering others." Quote from DeeCee Salter

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