(Video) The White Bigfoot Video in PA

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White Bigfoot Screen Capture

Information that was posted with the initial release of this video on January 5, 2010

"Residents of this small Pa town are concerned of recent sightings and strange noises being heard at night of what appears to be some sort of Bigfoot human looking type creature. The creature though, is white in color. A homeowner captured this footage after they heard a disturbance in the back yard of their wooded property. This homeowner and others in this town had previously heard strange noises and disturbances for the last two weeks or so prior to this being captured on film. The town was confirmed as Carbondale Pennsylvania."

There is a lot of speculation and disagreement about this video, as the "purported" Bigfoot appears to be a costume and mask, and of course the camera person's casual attitude during the entire event. So take this video with a grain of salt, 50/50 it's either a hoax or it could be real, but the lack of information and anyone stepping forward to claim it's their footage, really leaves a lot of questions about it unanswered.