(Historic) Western Bigfoot Society meeting report of November 5th, 2011

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The Western Bigfoot Society met November 5th at the Patty’s Home Plate Cafe, Portland, with Patty Deitz as the hostess. There was a good turn-out, over 25, a crowd for the small cafe. Among the guests it was nice to see Alicia Bateman from the Olympic Peninsula again. She did an excellent article for the Track Record on vocalizations. Also, it was nice to meet Guy Edwards of the Internet BigfootLunchClub. Vice-President Patti Reinhold taped the meeting, to be displayed on Bigfootology's Website.

The draw was speaker Thom Powell, a science teacher from Oregon City. His topic, Future Trends in Sasquatch Research, was well received by avid listeners. The talk was broken into three parts: The future of Bigfooting – habituation; DNA analysis will supply the final proof for science; and the reality – the paranormal aspects of Bigfoot. Contact Thom at XXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXX.

For the habituation segment Thom introduced a recent movie, Letters from the Big Man, Director Christopher Munch, a movie about Bigfoot habituation that he recommended highly. The hirsute Sasquatch model (Issac Singleton, Jr., in suit and makeup) used is very convincing with Issac’s human-like face, and an attractive starlet, Lily Rabe. Sarah, an outdoorswoman, attracts a benevolent hairy stalker while studying creek life after a forest fire and they develop a climate of mutual trust. Filmed in southwest Oregon, the movie first aired at the January 2011, Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah, with a revue in the November 6th New York Times (see on Guy’s site). It opens in Manhattan this Friday.

The “Final Proof” segment of Thom’s talk centered on advances in research by the veterinarian and DNA expert, Dr. Melba Ketchum. According to her associate, J. J. Johnson (he supposedly accumulated and forwarded samples); she has amassed a collection of a hundred samples for analysis. The samples consist of, among others, Bigfoot hair from around the country which she has developed a method of analyzing, and flesh from a recent California Bigfoot kill of two specimens, a female and her little Bigfootlet. The shooting was at the Dixie Mountain Game Reserve on the California/Nevada border, November, 2010.

Dr. Ketchum received her doctorate in Veterinary Medicine in 1985 from Texas A&M, and in 1985 founded DNA Diagnostics, where she led in all types of DNA testing of human and animal paternity, disease, and forensics, among other things.

There was some meeting speculation about the Bigfoot ancestry, the mitochondrial DNA being 100% human, but the nuclear DNA should reveal the daddy from the ancient ancestral separation of the human, ape, and Bigfoot stock. My idea is that Homo erectus will be named, but also a brand new species could be involved; one that has night vision, knees that don’t lock, and is hairy, among other things that are different from the human line. It is close enough to hybridize though, as numerous kidnappings of Native American ladies demonstrate and several of the Bigfoot are said to have blue eyes. Thom mentioned that there is a Sioux tradition of their attempting to maintain in themselves a 1 % Bigfoot bloodline heritage.

Delving into the paranormal aspect of Bigfootery, “the dark side,” and distancing himself from the normal Scientific Method, Thom started with discussing the Bigfoot’s superior intelligence, citing their language capability, although normally the communicate of routine things like the safest route across a creek, and such. Native American friends had said that the Bigfoot actually gather at regular meetings to discuss the “human problem.” Agenda items might be about what they can share that will help humanity, or the well-being of humanity and his future concerning worries about ecology and the environment.

To illustrate a point, Thom passed out a printed sheet with a BFRO Bigfoot report from October, 2001, where an investigator in a nighttime tree stand with pheromones, and call-blasting in the distance, had an unnerving and frightening experience. Armed with night-vision capability, the Alabama church pastor reported that a Bigfoot was attracted and moving close to him for a period of time but he never could see it and for safety finally called for help to return to his BFRO team.

Thom’s opinion was that the Bigfoot could mentally “cloud your thinking,” that would have an effect like Star Trek’s “Cloaking Ability,” rendering the Bigfoot invisible to the pastor in the tree. This neurological perception is no longer typical science, and considering his unique telepathic language, we’re way past science now. Munch said he had a “mind-meld” with a Sasquatch, and they told him, “Do not be frightened of us. We are people just like you.”

John Keel, studying the alien phenomenon has stated that when you study something, its nature changes, predicting that everything works only once (uncertainty principle?). As the different methods of scientific investigation of the Bigfoot only works once, then the word spreads among the Bigfoot community that humans have cameras (Patterson), and then suddenly the investigational ploy doesn’t work anymore. The same is true with pheromones and call-blasting; they used to work; now the Bigfoot know about the trickery, though they will still make phony wood-on-wood vocal replies to confuse the humans. They even know you’re coming before you get there, and lots of electronics in investigations, Thom thinks, is a “deal breaker,” they’re long gone.

Thom says he thinks they leave little clues of their presence in the woods near his property and the creature follows him home. The point being, “they know where you live,” so beware.

This is the future of the knowledge we’re trying to accumulate. The future of Sasquatch psychological research into the phenomena is when humans finally go along with the interdimensional element, and admit it boils down to we don’t know where “they” go when they “disappear.” Once that admission is made, some progress in understanding might be made. The Native Americans think they are a spiritual element. They are indeed, Superhuman.

Thank you Thom for a very interesting and educational talk.

A witness, Pam Brown-Jones, said that while on an outing with a lot of people along Gales Creek, west of Forest Grove, Oregon, in mid-summer, 1996, they were afraid to go in the outhouse because of rocks being thrown at it in the dark. The next day they found a giant size 14 footprint along the creek.

A December 3rd, first Saturday of the month, WBS meeting will again be held at Patty’s Home Plate Cafe, 8501 North Lombard, XXX-XXX-XXXX; owner and host Patty Deitz.  Social hour at 6 PM, speaker at 7 PM. A speaker has not yet been confirmed for December.   Meetings are open to the public and are free, though Patty likes it if you order one of her specials (last night all you can eat spaghetti), or one of the luscious thick milkshakes with whipped cream and topped with a cherry.  In the event of snow or ice the meeting will be cancelled.

– Ray Crowe

(Editor's comment - We post these notes for posterity's sake, we do not condone or entertain the ideas of woo side of Bigfooting.)