(Hoax) Matthew Johnson's Portal opening machine
This was presented by Matthew Johnson at his conference as the machine that opened the portal that saved 10,000 bigfoot like creatures from another dimension. It was nothing more than a prop to further his ongoing tale of bullcrap he is spreading.
From Coast to Coast Page from when Steve Bachmann was on the show. This is to give a little more information about the entire event.
Steve Bachmann built a device that allegedly opened up a dimensional portal in 2016 that allowed bipedal creatures to cross over to our dimension. He detailed what the "people" who came out of this portal have shared with him and his amazing story of technology and dimensional travel. His saga began, says Bachmann, while surfing YouTube, where he encountered plans and instructions to produce an electrical generator called an "over unity device," which is supposed to produce more energy than is put in, and "produces an electromagnetic field around it" he said. He got in touch with a man named Matthew Johnson, who told Bachmann that he was in contact with a group of entities he referred to as the "Bigfoot Forest People" who he said were extraterrestrials. He said they needed help to leave their dying planet.
Bachmann joined Johnson in a forest near Medford Oregon on June 26, 2016 and brought his generator. He claims at that time, they turned on his device and approximately 24,000 of these creatures came through a dimensional portal that was created. In gratitude for saving their race from a horrible fate, Bachmann says they began to heal his health problems. He says that one of the beings, named "Shenka" now lives in his brain and gives him advice and healing energy. Of those who express doubt about his experience, Bachmann replied "If they had the interaction I had, they wouldn’t dare question it.