(Hoaxer - Mike Paterson - Sasquatch Ontario

From Squatchopedia 2.0

Mike Paterson, of Ontario, Canada, out of spite, created the name Sasquatch Ontario after being expelled from the Ontario Sasquatch research group. In 2012, Paterson was made aware of purported sasquatch activity at Crystal Lake (Ontario) by his then research partner Mike Smith. Smith was widely known in Canada as a colorful character who saw sasquatch everywhere he went. Smith is quoted on a Monster Quest episode stating that he thought sasquatch was his friend but then realized that they wanted to eat him. Paterson connected with Smith on many levels and the two began researching the claims at Crystal Lake made by Dwayne Scott. Eventually Smith and Paterson parted ways but Paterson continued his endeavors at Crystal Lake. Behind the scenes, Dwayne Scott was hoaxing Paterson on each and every visit. Dwayne would make crude footprints, leave gifts for Paterson to find, flip marbles into the air when Paterson turned his back, and even vocalize out the side window of the cottage. Paterson remained oblivious and was convinced that he was having interactions with a sasquatch. Dwayne continued hoaxing and upped his game by writing primitive notes on paper and whiteboards Paterson had left out, swiping Paterson’s car with his hand to leave “glyphs,” playing tic-tac-toe in the snow (giving Paterson the belief that he was playing with a sasquatch), tapping Paterson on the shoulder when he was turned away, placing marbles in Paterson’s pocket when Paterson was unaware, and secretly using the still cameras Paterson had left out to take photos which Paterson of course believed was all the work of sasquatch. The hoaxing continued for years with Dwayne upping the ante each month. He suckered Paterson into believing that he was speaking to a sasquatch which would become known as Nephatia. Unfortunately for Dwayne, he was witnessed vocalizing out the side window of his cottage while Paterson lay in his tent not far away, making footprints, flipping marbles into the air, and many other things he was doing to trick Paterson. There was no Nephatia. It was all Dwayne. He was stringing Paterson along having him believe that he was communicating with an English-speaking Sasquatch and interacting with a family of sasquatch.

Ultimately, Dwayne was caught red-handed hoaxing by observers including someone he’d invited to the cottage.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU76Usrt57g - Dwayne filmed hoaxing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYC6QAHJ7iQ - guest at cottage confirms hoax and catches Dwayne in the act

In an attempt to distance himself from the evidence of hoaxing, Dwayne tried to put the blame on Paterson and Mike Smith, saying that they were hoaxing it all. Dwayne also wanted out, since hoaxing Paterson was very time consuming. Knowing that the jig was up, Dwayne ultimately confessed to hoaxing everything and those confessions are captured on The Truth Prevails YouTube channel.

https://www.youtube.com/@thetruthprevails7597/videos - channel link

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6xBqZgA9_g - Dwayne’s confessions



But Paterson was too far down the rabbit hole to accept Dwayne’s confessions. Paterson was starting to make some money from the hoax, and now unemployed, the income was much needed. He had also lambasted practically every notable researcher in the world and was facing eating a heaping plate of crow. Although the finer details are unknown, Patterson somehow convinced Dwayne to mend their differences. With the two men back together, Paterson concocted a silly story about government surveillance and interference and how, according to Paterson, Dwayne had to fake some hoaxing to “throw off the intruders.” But that didn’t add up because if Dwayne was able to “fake hoaxing” for intruders without Paterson realizing it, then it goes without saying that Dwayne could hoax Paterson without Paterson realizing. Plus, while he and Paterson were at odds, Dwayne continued to hoax his very own family members including his two young nephews. Not to mention, a guest at the cottage named Glen had witnessed Dwayne hoaxing, along with a neighbor and other observers also watching Dwayne hoax over many years.

Of course it was obvious to the vast majority of people that all the evidence at Crystal Lake was fake. A talking sasquatch playing tic-tac-toe, leaving notes, imposing photos, marbles out of thin air?

But if that weren’t enough, Paterson had a shady background with several admitted criminal convictions including jail time for severely beating up a woman.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUi0taLIEGc - criminal past

He was also accused of scamming a former employer out of thousands of dollars, and two of his former lovers came forward to accuse him of hoaxing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB9aAFTLqek - former employer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5oOvFB55xM - ex comes clean


In 2021, Paterson released a photo that he claimed was texted to him by a bigfoot. The text came from Dwayne Scott’s phone but Dwayne claimed he had not texted Paterson. Paterson claimed that the photo showed a bigfoot when in fact it was nothing more than a screenshot from a music video by a Heavy Metal band. It was nothing more than a man wearing a simple mask. After being made aware of this, Paterson backpaddled and stated that it was sasquatch showing their sense of humor.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8o-YP2CK90&t=4s - the text and screenshot

Then in May of 2023, Paterson publicly released two photos that Dwayne had taken when alone at the cottage. According to Paterson, the photos show the face of his bigfoot known as Nephatia. It’s clear that the photos show nothing more than a gorilla mask. With all the flak Paterson got, he went into defence mode and made up every excuse to legitimize the photos. What the release of the photos did however was to seal the deal that Mike Paterson and Sasquatch Ontario are nothing more than a long-winded hoax perpetuated by Dwayne Scott and propagated by Paterson.

From the Tall Ones: Sasquatch Ontario Caught Hoaxing (again) | Mike Paterson


From Squatchdetective: Bigfoot Hoaxer Jumps the Shark
