(Protocols) MABRC Sketchbook and Protocols

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(Courtesy of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center as part of their extensive listing of protocols.)

The MABRC has been authorized by Pete Travers to use his sketches for educational and research purposes. The sketches have been placed into a book, that MABRC Researchers can take with them to interview sighting witnesses. Once the interview is finished, the MABRC Researcher can have the witness go through the sketchbook to see if any of the sketches match close to what they seen during their encounter.

Upon the witness finding a sketch that resembles what they seen, the MABRC Researcher will make a notation of the Sketch number to the sighting report form. This will then allow others to see what it resembled. This is all in lieu of the presence of a sketch artist.

It’s imperative to wait until the witness completes their description of the creature they seen before showing them the sketchbook, this is so you do not influence the witness by allowing them to see the sketches.