(Protocols) Project Marker

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This is a Project put together by the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center on how to research markers that are discovered in the woods that are usually connected to Bigfoot/Sasquatch. While there is a great debate over whether these markers and other structures are truly made by Bigfoot/Sasquatch, this will hopefully be a great aid to researchers in general.

Project Marker 1

Project Marker 2

Project Marker 6

Project Marker 4

Project Marker 5

Project Marker 3

Project Marker 7

Project Marker 8

Project Marker 9

Project Marker 10

Project Marker 11

Project Marker 12

Project Marker 13

Project Marker 14

Project Marker 15

Project Marker 16

Project Marker 17

Project Marker 18

Project Marker 19

Project Marker 20

Project Marker 21

Project Marker 22

You can also buy the Bigfoot Field Guide - Marker Analysis in Bigfoot Research Book in paperback or Kindle version at this link.

Marker Analysis in Bigfoot Research