(Researcher)Michael Waldie

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Michael Waldie

Michael Waldie was born and raised in the State of Texas. Michael has been an avid hunter and fisherman most of his life. Having spent so many years in the woods, he never thought that one day he would be using his experience to search for an unknown creature. Michael has unexplained events that were finally answered in 2004. That's when a sighting map of the TBRC (Texas Bigfoot Research Center) put Bigfoot in his vocabulary as this could be real. Michael is a co-founder of the group, Texas Bigfoot Rangers (Facebook). Michael’s passion for this research is only matched by his passion for technology used in the field. Michael has created many different combinations of gear in his quest to find this creature. Michael’s avid interest in how to use technology to further this research as well as his ability to think outside the box makes him an asset to all who have had a chance to research with him.