(TV Show) MonsterQuest
MonsterQuest is a 2007-8 series produced by Doug Hajicek and White Wolf Entertainment (Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, Giganto: The Real King Kong, and Mysterious Encounters) which airs Wednesday nights at 10:00 EST on the History Channel. A full description of the show reads as follows: From Bigfoot to Swamp Beast, Monsterquest reveals the truth of legendary monster sightings around the world. Deploying the latest in hi-tech equipment, each episode scientifically examines the best evidence available, from pictures and video, to hair and bones, as well as the eyewitness accounts themselves. From pilots to policemen to ship captains, a number of seemingly credible people have seen things they can't explain. One part history, one part science and one part monsters, MonsterQuest discovers the truth behind these legendary monsters.[1] It began airing October 31, 2007 with a look at the Lake Champlain Monster. In subsequent weeks, it aired Sasquatch Attack, Giant Squid Found?, and Birdzilla, which covered the subject of Thunderbirds. Upcoming episodes will cover Bigfoot, Swamp Beasts, the controversial creature known as Rods and other strange cryptids. Below is the full schedule from the MonsterQuest Minisite.
In a statement made March 24, 2010 on the cryptozoological blog CryptoMundo, MonsterQuest producer Doug Hajicek announced that History Channel had canceled the series midway through 4th season. Hajicek said, "The official end of MonsterQuest did not happen because of any lack of topics or for lack of viewers. The Network has decided to go another direction to assure their future as a powerful force in television."