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Create the page "Hoaxer" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- 13 KB (2,408 words) - 14:43, 19 January 2023
- Ray Wallace (April 21, 1918 − November 26, 2002) was a known hoaxer of bigfoot photographs and videos.3 KB (471 words) - 08:02, 6 August 2022
- ...70s when he met and was mentored by Ivan Marx, another well known Bigfoot hoaxer of the time. In 1981, Biscardi produced a documentary called In the Shadow3 KB (583 words) - 15:39, 9 September 2022
- 1 KB (187 words) - 15:42, 9 September 2022
- [[Category:Hoaxer]]3 KB (470 words) - 19:59, 1 June 2024
- 1 KB (206 words) - 11:26, 6 May 2021
- 646 bytes (115 words) - 17:11, 27 May 2021
- Roy Gilliam contacted me on August 20, 2019 and helped expose a hoaxer. Raymond Vergara who is friends with many in the community, tried to pass2 KB (225 words) - 19:14, 14 November 2021
- 11 KB (1,265 words) - 14:23, 19 May 2023
- Bigfoot Hoaxer Jumps the Shark6 KB (1,068 words) - 22:25, 9 June 2023
- hand. He eventually fessed up to it and will now forever be known as a hoaxer, even though he blamed his YouTube subscribers for him hoaxing.672 bytes (118 words) - 21:54, 11 November 2023
Page text matches
- ...volution of human locomotion, said, "It is very difficult to conceive of a hoaxer so subtle, so knowledgeable — and so sick — who would deliberately fake ...tracks have often been questioned because of their association with known hoaxer Ivan Marx. Marx later claimed to have filmed the "crippled" bigfoot and fur2 KB (291 words) - 13:47, 10 April 2021
- ...xample, suspected his motives, and others dismissed Freeman as an admitted hoaxer. However, some argued that Freeman’s supposed admission to hoaxing was mi3 KB (401 words) - 15:05, 9 September 2022
- ...en reported.[234] Bluff Creek had also been the site of well-known Bigfoot hoaxer Ray Wallace's activities in 1958. In Patterson's book, he mentions meeting58 KB (9,547 words) - 15:15, 9 September 2022
- * A possible sometime-hoaxer of footprints and (maybe) sightings--if one believes Harvey Anderson implic * A would-be hoaxer of an ape-suit film in 1961 (again, according to Anderson). (But, after vie32 KB (5,424 words) - 15:15, 9 September 2022
- Ray Wallace (April 21, 1918 − November 26, 2002) was a known hoaxer of bigfoot photographs and videos.3 KB (471 words) - 08:02, 6 August 2022
- ...has become a controversial subject. He has been labeled everything from a hoaxer, an attention seeker and in some rare cases, a bigfoot expert. His story re2 KB (301 words) - 20:26, 11 September 2022
- ...There are many in the Bigfoot Community who believe that David Shealy is a hoaxer who creates evidence to bring tourists to his attraction.2 KB (263 words) - 22:58, 14 March 2021
- ...70s when he met and was mentored by Ivan Marx, another well known Bigfoot hoaxer of the time. In 1981, Biscardi produced a documentary called In the Shadow3 KB (583 words) - 15:39, 9 September 2022
- ...required to back up all claims. Do not just come in and list someone as a hoaxer without accompanying such claims with significant proof. ...otice. The same will be true for anyone posting items that are not hoax or hoaxer related.1 KB (203 words) - 17:48, 10 April 2021
- ...ttacking those people, and then claim that he was being attacked. Classic hoaxer antics. When people posted screen captures of the figure in his video, it ...s a joke, it should still be considered a hoax and forever label them as a hoaxer.2 KB (352 words) - 15:58, 10 April 2021
- ...or similar skunk ape that I saw as a child? Equally possible.” Alledged Hoaxer denies allegations7 KB (1,308 words) - 19:12, 10 April 2021
- [[Category:Hoaxer]]3 KB (470 words) - 19:59, 1 June 2024
- ...enticity in circumstances like these, which we don’t want every would-be hoaxer to know.''5 KB (871 words) - 11:37, 4 August 2022
- ...happy today. Ivan Marx has been written about in many books as an alleged hoaxer and prankster.4 KB (638 words) - 11:57, 10 April 2021
- ...same clothes as the bigfoot that knocked over the tree. He is a notorious hoaxer who has been exposed multiple time.283 bytes (50 words) - 21:25, 5 April 2021
- [[File:Image (1)Johor Hominid hoax -2006.jpg|thumb|Hoaxer's sketch of creature, copied from French book.]] [[File:Image (2)Johor Hominid hoax -2006.jpg|thumb|Hoaxer's sketch of creature's hand, posted to the website]]12 KB (2,067 words) - 18:57, 10 April 2021
- This is a no brainer, a hoaxer with a costume or costumes, a little bit of Photoshop flair in some of them2 KB (402 words) - 00:57, 9 April 2024
- least deserves a second look. M.K. does NOT deserve to be considered a hoaxer or lumped in with that bunch. ...oximately July 30, 2006, I've been busy building a case against a definate hoaxer. OklahomaSquatch recently post on this forum telling all of you about a vid32 KB (5,868 words) - 16:29, 13 April 2021
- Roy Gilliam contacted me on August 20, 2019 and helped expose a hoaxer. Raymond Vergara who is friends with many in the community, tried to pass2 KB (225 words) - 19:14, 14 November 2021
- ...the photographer has not been consistent with what one might expect from a hoaxer, presuming most such individuals are motivated by a desire for attention or8 KB (1,197 words) - 20:07, 19 July 2022